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Yang Zhang

BeijingSenior Partner
+8610 6184 8271
Working Language:

Mandarin | English


  • Attorney Yang Zhang, a legal expert in the field of enforcement, Senior Equity Partner of Beijing TianTai Law Firm, Deputy Director of the Judicial Enforcement Committee of Beijing Lawyers Association, Director of the Executive Committee of China Behavioral Law Society. Mr. Zhang had provided expert opinions on the Evaluation System for Resolution of the Difficult Problems in Enforcement within Two to Three Years, participated in drafting the Compulsory Execution Law (Draft). He also coauthored the Practical Guidelines for Compulsory Execution and few other books. Mr. Zhang is a very well-known attorney in the field of enforcement.
    Mr. Zhang’s services cover civil and commercial litigation and related legal affairs, focusing on the field of enforcement. He is specialized in dealing with complex enforcement cases and particularly experienced in enforcement and enforcement opposition.

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